Voting Share

Voting Shares represent equity in your Credit Union and form part of your own personal wealth. These funds are yours, they appear on your regular statement, and are refundable upon ownership cancellation.

Credit Union owners are both customer and shareholder. As a customer, you receive the services you want and as a shareholder you enjoy a competitive dividend return on your $5.00 investment, value costs for premium services, and local control of your own financial institution.

There is a voluntary Board of Directors that you elect at the Annual General Meeting.

Open and Voluntary Ownership

  • Open to any resident, organization, or corporation of Canada.
  • $5.00 maintained in Share account.
  • All owners are equal in share requirement.
  • Shares are refundable upon ownership cancellation.
  • Shares are subject to dividends which may be declared based on credit union earnings, as decided by Board of Directors. 

Democratic Control

  • One owner, one vote at Annual General Meeting.
  • Cooperative financial institution owned and operated by owners.~